Hitachi-LG Xtreme FW Dashboard Timeout Solved

Date: Tuesday, July 25 @ 20:45:13 UTC
Topic: Homebrew

ust started to learn asm 4days ago, here is my first work... well, work... it's just a little patch but it was very hard and funny for me to start from zero, read panasonic pdfs, configure idapro, compile mn103 plugin by gropeaz, djhuevo script (thanks)...and find the area (0x9DC 0x9DD 0x9DE....are ... what?!?! just internal ram/cache?!?) where the phisical format information is cashed, then skipping some checks about them.
I would have patch the phisical format information in memory, but i don't know where to inject the code (too early, too late...)
I've to study a lot more.

This solves the problem of dashboard timeout when DVD+R DL bitsetted is inserted.
Problem is not about cheap media or laser pot, is not in reading at all, is only about media check routines, so skipping some checks does the trick.
About not bitsetted media, I've only 1 crap not-bitsetted DVD+R DL found in trashcan, it doesn't read the SS, maybe it works for you.

For now, the ppf patch for 47 firmware, sector 34000, so untouched sector by c4e firmware, you can patch it over any existing fw (at the moment).
Apply the ppf patch to the un-encrypted firmware v47, then encrypt and flash sector 90034000.
something like: flashsec47_win K patched-e.bin 90034000 1000


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