Globe-360 Dual Firmware Modchip Coming Soon

Date: Wednesday, July 05 @ 18:19:20 UTC
Topic: Homebrew

Alcema posted on about a new DVD firmware chip for the Xbox 360. It's a dual-fw style of mod (not a FW patch mod), but it has something special ... the FW you fash on this flashchip will not have to be patched with your DVD-key:

I want to signal the upcoming release of a new modchip for X360, Globe-360. This is not simply a dual-firmware mod, with this modchip you don't need to extract the drive-key from your console because it's PLUG&PLAY. Thanks to the ACTEL CPLD this modchip bypass the drive-key check; your original firmware stays intact all the time. There is no need for any firmware-reading or flashing, you can reprogram the on-board flash easliy with independent eprom programmer (aka Willem-prog) and replace it in the clean socket PLCC connector. More details (price, diagrams, how-to, resellers,etc) will be available soon.
Globe 360

* Plug&Play : DON'T NEED the extraction of drive-key from the original firmware of drive on your console, only install the chip and the "unsigned" firmware on-board will be boot .
* Electronic Switch ON/OFF : enable or disabile the chip when turn-on your console by power button, you can check the state of chip by a led-indicator
* Firmware-drive UPGRADE: you can use an upgraded firmware for better performance of your dvd-drive to reading dvd-r DL support ( eg: you should use on LG/Hitachi the firmware vers. 059 instead your original 047D or 46D).
* Easy Reprogrammable Flash eprom: the on-board flash eprom is mounted on a socket connector for an easy and clean remove in order to fast reprogramming it.
* COMPATIBILE whit ALL DVD-drive on the market (LG e SAMSUNG).
* High reliability through ACTEL cpld technology.

Download the installation guides below:

Globe-360 Hitachi Installation Instructions
Globe-360 Samsung Installation Instructions

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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