Star Trek Online's newest season 'House United' is now available for free!

Date: Wednesday, August 18 @ 07:08:42 UTC
Topic: DLC

Star Trek Online's newest season, House United, is now available for free on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Starring Mary Chieffo, J.G. Hertzler, Robert O'Reilly, and Rekha Sharma, the finale of the Klingon Civil War is LIVE. Who will claim Qo'nos for their own?

Star Trek Online's newest season 'House United' goes live on consoles

Starting today, console players can log into the free-to-play MMORPG based on the Star Trek universe and experience the long-awaited finale of the Klingon Civil War. The game's newest season features some of Star Trek's most epic Klingon warriors, including Star Trek: Discovery's L'Rell (voiced by Mary Chieffo), Aakar (Robert O'Reilly from Star Trek: The Next Generation) and General Martok (J.G Hertzler from Deep Space: Nine), as well as Adet'Pa (Rekha Sharma from Star Trek: Discovery). With the release of today's update, console players can also explore three new patrols, participate in a brand new Task Force Operation and earn exclusive rewards by completing tasks in a Special Event. House United is also available for free on Arc Games, Epic Games and Steam.

Let's take a look at the official trailer!

For a full list of features included in today's console release, please download the latest fact sheet.

Star Trek Online Digital Download

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