West Of Dead: Out Now and included in Xbox Game Pass for Console and PC

Date: Wednesday, June 24 @ 02:01:03 UTC
Topic: Gaming

West Of Dead is out now and included in Xbox Game Pass for Console and PC.

West of Dead

In West Of Dead, players step into the boots of the dead man William Mason (voiced by Ron Perlman) and descend into the grim and gritty world of Purgatory. Dodge behind cover as you try to outgun your enemies in the unknown procedurally generated hunting grounds. The Wild West has never been this dark.

Developed by Upstream Arcade and published by Raw Fury, "West Of Dead" is available to purchase on Xbox One and PC for $19.99 / €19.99 / £16.74 / AU$29.95. Check out the full list of West Of Dead achievements.

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Xbox Store: here
File Size: 867.87 MB
Price: $19.99, € 19,99, £16.74, AU$29.95

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