Virtua Tennis 3 Smashing Onto Xbox 360

Date: Friday, April 28 @ 02:09:43 UTC
Topic: Gaming

April 25, 2006 - SEGA's pre-E3 teaser campaign "The Road to E3" has kicked off today and the first new title to be announced is Virtua Tennis 3.

SEGA are promising "photo-realistic graphics and advanced player animations" for their latest tennis title. Creative Director Matt Woodley said "the quality is so sharp and clear you can even see the veins on the players' necks"

Along with the classic arcadey style tennis action with be a number of new mini-games alongside some classic mini-games from previous Virtua Tennis games.

The Career mode returns as well. Players will travel all across the world in a bid to become world #1. All the top real-life players will be in the game and the AI will be greatly improved other previous editions. You'll also be able to customise your own player to a previously unimaginable degree.

Multiplayer over Xbox Live is sure to be included but has yet to be announced. The game is due for a release next Spring and will also make a big appearance at next months E3.

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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