E3 2006: Xbox 360 HD-DVD information to come soon

Date: Friday, April 28 @ 02:05:30 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Microsoft has confirmed that the Xbox 360 add on will appear at E3 2006

April 25, 2006 - The long controversial HD-DVD add on drive for the Xbox 360 has been confirmed to be revealed at this years Electronics Entertainment Expo. The drive will allow Xbox 360 owners to view high definition movies without the hassle of buying a completely separate unit.

"We’ll say a little bit more about it at E3," said Chris Lewis of Microsoft, "It will give people access to HD-DVD.” You don’t say. “We will make sure that the HD-DVD peripheral device will meet all the requirements for consumers to enjoy high definition DVD playback."

The DVD format war wages on but the real battle seems to be coming this fall as more and more movies and players arrive at retail stores. Stay tuned to 360-Hq.Com for more HD-DVD announcements.

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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