HEADSPUN is now available for digital pre-order on XBox

Date: Monday, August 19 @ 04:25:55 UTC
Topic: Gaming

FMV/Adventure hybrid 'Headspun', a game about recovery, discovery, and the ongoing battle between logic and emotion, is now available for digital pre-order and pre-download on Xbox One.

FMV/Adventure hybrid 'Headspun' is now available for digital pre-order on XBox One

After waking from a five week coma, Theo Kavinsky finds his life in disrepair. With no memory of the accident, it’s up to Ted and Teddy – the conscious and subconscious voices in his head – to work out what happened, and put his life back on track.

Headspun Features:

  • Rich FMV story-telling
  • Branching dialogue - sway the outcome of your interactions
  • Rebuild Cortex - earn Neuros to hire staff and commission renovations
  • Retreive Lost Memories and work out what happened the night of Theo's accident
  • Original Synthwave Score from Soho Loop

Developed by Superstring and published by Wales Interactive, Headspun is heading to Xbox One on August 28, 2019.

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Price: $11.99
File Size: 4.36 GB
Microsoft Store: here
News Source: https://www.xboxone-hq.com/news.html

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