Xbox 360 DVD Adapter Diagrams

Date: Saturday, April 22 @ 11:43:18 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

From WunSick on the Team Devo-E Xbox 360 DVD Drive Blog:
Well friends, lets get some parts and diagrams shall we?

The following diagram has been made purely to make it as simple as possible for beginners and advanced users alike.

Full Diagram:

Adapter Pinout
[X] [8] [6] [4] [2] [0]
[X] [9] [7] [5] [3] [1]

X = Dead Pins

Full Parts List:
- Capacitors - .o1 micro Farads (symbol looks like .01 uF) [any small value should work, it is just used to filter AC out of the line so a "true earth" ground is achived]
- Voltage regualtor- 1086V33
- Small wire andything around the 20-22 gauge should work
- A small PC board
- Some small heatshrink might cmome in handy.
- You will need a power connector from a orginal xbox, or you can make your own. The connector pin spacing on the power connector is 2mm.

Now, there are other ways to build this, but we felt for newbies and pros alike, the best middleground were the parts listed above. I have taken into consideration some suggested parts, and will be adding them soon, but as an actual page to this blog, not a post.

Official Site:

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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