Max Payne 3 ''He's coming'' - Rockstar release new images

Date: Wednesday, March 30 @ 19:17:05 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Rockstar Games today released two new screenshots from the third installment of the gritty and highly anticipated action-packed series, "Max Payne 3".

“He’s coming.” tweeted Rock Games as they published two new images.

Developed by Rockstar Vancouver, Max Payne 3 tells the story of a retired police detective embroiled in a world of corruption, turmoil and intense violence.

Check out the two new screens below and then continue browsing the 360-HQ Games database for all of our previous coverage of "Max Payne 3".

View all "Max Payne 3" Screenshots & Media

"Max Payne 3" is set to become available for Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 and PC. No word yet on an official release date just yet so for more information stay tuned to 360-HQ, or log onto

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360-Hq Games Database: Max Payne 3

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