Modern Warfare 2 Peripherals Unveiled

Date: Friday, September 11 @ 23:01:20 UTC
Topic: Hardware

Mad Catz shows off its new digital-camouflaged gaming products ahead of the November release of the FPS sequel

Mad Catz signed a deal with Infinity Ward and Activision to create a line of official peripherals for Modern Warfare 2, including a special controller to play the game. Minds were blown, theories of motion sensitive gun shaped peripherals were thrown about, but the truth is much simpler, with a wide range of controllers for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

“Theories of motion sensitive gun-shaped peripherals were thrown about”

The Modern Warfare 2 Combat Controllers for PS3 and X360, sport a camo finish, grippy pads for your hands on the left and right and there’s some backlighting to the analogue sticks too. The best part is two buttons underneath that can be reached by your middle fingers. These buttons can be mapped to a number of different functions (such as dash and melee) so that you don’t lose accuracy in your movement or aiming by pressing the sticks or lifting your thumbs. The camo finish is also supposed to be soft to the touch for hand comfort.

Bizarrely, the PS3 controller is wireless, but the 360 one is not, instead opting for a USB connection. PS3 and X360 also get communicators, with the 360 getting the military-inspired throat communicator and the PS3 a Bluetooth headset. Meanwhile the PC gets a 'Sniper' mouse and two types of keyboard - 'Combat' and 'Elite'.

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