Go Akimbo In Call Of Duty MW2

Date: Tuesday, August 25 @ 14:17:43 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Being a huge COD4 fan i know for a fact that one big feature that was wanted was the ability to duel wield pistols and the out cry for this has been answered by Infinity Ward, with that said lets get to the facts.

CVG reports: Everyone went a bit mental when Microsoft showed Master Chief picking up two weapons at once for the first time in Halo 2, while GoldenEye fans sniggered at the back.

Well now Infinity Ward has revealed that Modern Warfare 2 will also feature two-gun blasting - a first for the series.

IW community man Robert Bowling showed off wielding two Desert Eagle pistols - an ability being referred to as 'Akimbo' - during a single-player game at a recent GameCrazy show, much to the glee of attendees. But it won't cause balance issues, assures Bowling.

"Now to calm some initial fears of "OMG! Overpowered!" Akimbo is limited and balanced, just like EVERYTHING in the game," he explained.

"It's limited to sidearms, harder to aim than standard and you can't go ADS (aim down sights) since you have a weapon in each hand, among other balancing techniques, so don't freak out before you see it in action," he said

360-Hq Game Database: Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2
News-Source: computerandvideogames.com

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