Modern Warfare 2: Facts, Rumors and an Unboxing Video!

Date: Sunday, August 02 @ 15:21:49 UTC
Topic: Gaming

So here we are again boys and girls. Only 3 months from the release of another mouth watering installment of blood splattering FPS mayhem! If you are anything like me, you are starving for any info Regarding MW2 you can get your hands on to hold you over till the game releases on the 10th of this November. So I have done a little surfing and compiled some MW2 facts, rumors and More.

So lets get started....

Confirmed Weapons... include the AK-47, USP.45 pistol, ACR Rifle, Knife, AUG-HBAR, C4, Frags, Semtex sticky grenade, Famas, Dragunov Sniper, A heat seaking shoulder launched ground to air Missile, One handed sub-Machine guns. These and more were seen in videos during game play.

Unconfirmed...These were reported by a Beta tester that got in trouble and fired by IW. Iw denies his claims but would not comment on which of his claims were false or true. These include weapons carried to MW2 including M16 and the M4. Weapons dropped from MW2 being the Scorpion, P90, M21, R700, G3, and G360. Also the introduction of new guns such as the SR25M for the United States, the Diemeco C8 for the Canadian forces, and L85A2 for the United Kingdom.

Attachments...IW confirmed that MW2 would have more attachments as has been requested by the gaming community but did not mention what attachments might be new or if we will be able to finely use more than one on a gun at a time. But one confirmed NEW attachment is a flip out LCD screen that can be attached to a 2 handed weapon and has a built in Heart beat monitor, Much the same as the device seen in the movie Aliens. Videos have shown the heart beat monitor being used in both Single and Multi-Player modes.

A few of the known locations in the game include rio de janeiro Brazil Both in the main city and in the slums, The Frozen mountains deep in Russia, A desert location in Afghanistan. Some other areas seen in Screen shots and video include what looks like a large locker room area in maybe a pool area or bathhouse, a rooftop construction area surrounded by skyscrapers in some large modern city, and Divers exiting a submarine underwater and coming up under what looks to be an off shore oil platform.
And yes We finely get some Winter Snow maps!

There are 4 factions you will be able to play in Multi-player online games, these include U.S. Army Rangers, British SAS, The Russian Rebels From Cod4 and A Middle Eastern Faction.

Please Click HERE to see the rest of this story, its too long for this spot and there is much more to see including the Unboxing of the Prestige Collectors Edition!

360-Hq Game Database: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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