Just One More Fool Blaiming GTA IV

Date: Monday, August 04 @ 10:26:01 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Now that GTA IV has been on the shelves for some time and the hype has slowed down you would think the chances of some one blaming the game for a crime would go away but reuters.com is reporting that a teen in BANGKOK is blaming the game for why he tried to rob a taxi and ended in the drivers death.

Grand Theft Auto IV Screenshot 3558

Reuters reported: "He said he wanted to find out if it was as easy in real life to rob a taxi as it was in the game," chief police investigator Veeravit Pipattanasak told Reuters.

The youth, described by his parents as polite and diligent, was arrested late on Saturday after he was found trying to steer a cab backwards out of a Bangkok street with the severely wounded driver in the back seat, newspapers reported.

The suspect told police he did not mean to kill the driver, whom he had chosen as a possible victim because of his age, but that he stabbed him to death when he fought back, newspapers reported.

"Grand Theft Auto", now available in its fourth edition, has been criticized for depicting violence including beatings, carjackings, drive-by shootings, drunk driving and prostitution."

It would seem the actions of this one man has caused the halt of GTA IV sales in Thailand all together and sparked a law suit against the distributer of GTA IV here in the states.

In an age ware no one is to blame for there own actions and there is always some one to blame only one question remains and that would be: If we did get all violent games pulled from the shelves would we go right back to blaming movies or would we start to see the real truth in the fact we only have our selves to blame for our actions?

News-Source: reuters.com

360-Hq Game Database: Grand Theft Auto IV

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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