Date: Saturday, March 29 @ 10:25:20 UTC
Topic: Gaming

If you haven't had a look at Prototype and don't know what this game is all about you might want to take a little time to check out this video.

The Prototype game is described as so:
No Memory. No Mercy. No Equal.
You are Alex Mercer. You are the Prototype™... a shapeshifter with amazing powers of combat, destruction, and deception. Consume targets for their form and memories to assume a perfect disguise, or instantly transform your body into an array of deadly biological weapons, cutting your way to the heart of the conspiracy forty years in the making.

Stalk the streets of New York City, searching for the life you lead before. Take the form of anyone in your path, using an arsenal of identities to confound, exploit or annihilate your enemies. Mankind is your mask.
Wage a secret war against factions with complex agendas of their own, out to capture or kill you. They are your greatest threat and the key to the secrets of your past. Confront them, find those responsible and make them pay.
  • Unprecedented Abilities and Control - Play as the most powerful and dynamic character ever created with innovative shapeshifting powers and over the top parkour locomotion movement.
  • Shapeshifting - Attack with brutal and devastating powers; instantly triggering hundreds of power combinations (Attack, Defensive and Sensory).
  • Disguise - Assume the perfect disguise by transforming into any character and assuming the victim's powers, skills and abilities.
  • Open-World Action Thriller - New York City is your hunting ground! Jam-packed, vibrant, fully interactive city filled with thousands of people and enemies out to destroy you.
  • Conspiracy Based Storyline - Delve to the bottom of a conspiracy that has haunted the American government for decades. Who is responsible for your condition? Only you can find out!
  • Multiplayer - 2-Person Co-Op Online Multiplayer

    Now lets get to the point of this post, if you been watching this game develop then one of the features you most likely been interested in is the multiplayer side of the game and i hate to be the bearer of bad news but a new report has said that the mutiplayer feature has been dropped from the game.
    But on a good note here is why: Tim Bennison said: "PROTOTYPE was concepted as a single player open-world/action title and it’s always been our goal to ship the game in 2008. So while the prospect of adding a multiplayer component to PROTOTYPE has definitely been something we’ve been entertaining, we’ve made the decision that we can’t fit it into our original plans delivered with the same level of quality/polish as the rest of the game this time around. Keep in mind we envision PROTOTYPE as a franchise, so hopefully it will do well enough at retail, enabling us to make a sequel and if/when we get to that point multiplayer will definitely be on the table from the start."

    If you ask me this still looks like one bad ass game.

    360-Hq Game Database: Prototype

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