Xbox 360 HD DVD Player Price Cut

Date: Thursday, February 07 @ 02:01:59 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Major Nelson of has just reported the huge price cut in the HD DVD player for the XBOX 360.

He said and i quote, "The Xbox 360 HD DVD Player price has dropped from $179.99 to $129.99 (U.S. MSRP.) This new price is effective immediately in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Combine the new price with the 5 free HD DVD offer and it’s a pretty good deal."

Must be a clearout sale to make way for the XBOX360 external Hi-Speed USB Blu-ray Drive.

Yes i made that last bit up about the Blu-ray, so no PM's.. lol

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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