Librarian Chooses Xbox 360 Over Wii, PS3

Date: Wednesday, January 02 @ 23:19:53 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Librarians have to keep up with the times, and while PS2 has served libraries well for the last few years, it's time to jump to the next generation.

So between Xbox 360, Wii, or PS3, which is best equipped to handle the needs of the masses? According to the Media Librarian John Scalzo over at Gaming Target, the 360 is the way to go.

"The Xbox 360 has games in a much wider variety of genres than the Wii or the PlayStation 3...developers from all over the world put the majority of their best stuff on the console," explained Mr. Scalzo.

Hence, Microsoft's console is his #1 choice. At #2 is Wii, which he describes as popular but lamented that "many of the Wii’s exclusive titles and family friendly games have not been well reviewed."

And in last place is PS3.

"It pains me to say it, but the PlayStation 3 is not ready for primetime when it comes to building a library collection. The system is too expensive. The games are too expensive," he wrote.

News-Source: XboxToday

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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