Xbox 360 Live Dev Bashes Preferences Of Gamers

Date: Tuesday, November 27 @ 15:09:15 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Being a dev on an unsuccessful XBLA title must be incredibly disappointing and frustrating.

Jeff Minter, founder of Llamasoft and the fella behind Space Giraffe, recently went on a tirade about the lack of sales of his XBLA title, putting the blame directly on his intended audience.

Below is a quite angry recent post from his LiveJournal: (Who knew people still use LJ?)

j*s*s f*cking chr*st

not seeing a lot of reason to continue even trying to make games, at this point, when a remake of Frogger, one of the worst games in the history of old arcade games, can outsell Space Giraffe that we put so much love and effort into, by more than ten to one, in one week.

OK, we get the message. All you want on that channel is remakes of old, sh*te arcade games and crap you vaguely remember playing on your Amiga. We’ll shut up trying to do anything new then. Sorry for even trying.

So if you're one of the people who purchased Frogger and not Space Giraffe, it looks like you're not going to get a holiday present from Mr. Minter.

News-Source: XboxToday

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