Space Giraffe for Xbox Live Arcade Weds. 22 Aug, 2007

Date: Monday, August 20 @ 20:53:02 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

This week, prepare for a cosmic trip to outer space with the frenetic action game "Space Giraffe,"

Cost: 400 MS Points

From the legendary game designer Jeff Minter, “Space Giraffe” (Llamasoft) is a psychedelic shooter featuring mesmerizing graphics and 100 levels of out-of-this-world gameplay. Collect power-ups to activate Bonus Rounds and master the strategies necessary to maximize your score on every level!

Game Features

  • Extensive gameplay: Play through 100 levels of shooting and strategy.
    Level design: Enjoy the unique graphical appearance of each level due to the use of the Neon engine.
  • Special features: Learn special moves to increase the Bonus Multiplier, and collect power-ups to gain access to the Bonus Round.
  • Bonus challenges: Finish all 100 levels to unlock a hidden gameplay mode.

    360-Hq Game Database: Space Giraffe for Xbox 360

  • This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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