Xbox 360 linked to childs death?

Date: Wednesday, December 13 @ 11:56:49 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

In a recent article from the Philadelphia Inquirer it is reported that a man hit his 17 month old daughter killing her because she accidentally pulled on the cord knocking the console over making him think she had broken the console.

The article mentions that the man was playing on Ghost Recon at the time, described as an 'violent combat epic' leading people to think once again that video games and violence are directly linked.

However, further reading of the article mentions the fact that the 'Department of Human Services' had visited the house on several occasions before the incident and had failed in the protection of the child even though bruises where found on one occasion.

So although the console was directly linked to the incident it was just one of many contributing factors culminating in this tragedy.

This is a very sad story indeed and one that I hope never to have to hear about in the future.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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