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CSI: Hard Evidence
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CSI: Hard Evidence Achievement Guide - Xbox 360 Guide

CSI: Hard Evidence Achievement Guide
Published by HQM0NSTERB0Y | Page views: 9936

Case 1 - Burning for You
First take a picture of the whole vehicle just click on the car and it will bring up your camera for you to take the shot.Take another photo of the body.

Examine the shoe print & click on the red plastic useing the tweezers to pick it up. Finally, click on the footprint again and take a cast of it. Now look @ the dumpster – pick up the can with ya rubber gloves.

Next up, look at the fence to the right of the car and use the gloves again to pick up the piece of blue material. Examine them and use the tweezers to pick up the Flake that is attached.
On your right there will be a petrol can next to the fence so pick that up aswell & find a fingerprint which you need to use the fingerprint dust and powder on, then lift it with adhesive tape. This is the procedure for any fingerprint.

Go back to the Mobile Lab. Use the Trace Analysis Computer and compare the following: Fingerprints from Turpentine Can > LVPD Result B Footprint from the Scene > CSI sample D
Then use the chemical analysis machine on all of the things you’ve found.

Charge to the Morgue and tell the Doc to recover the body for you and look at the tattoos. Quiz the Doc.Then look at the side table to the right and use the gloves to pick up the shirt, examine it further to get the Burnt Paper. Ask the Doc about any other items and then head over to the lab.

Use the Trace Analysis Computer again: Victim's fingerprints > LVPD Record A. Then use the Comparison Microscope: Red Plastic > CSI Samples Result B Then use the Chemical Analysis machine on the driver’s shirt.

Now you can go to Brass' office and harass him a bit. Ask him every question you can and he will look into golf courses for you. Then you need to head off to ANY location and then come straight back & head to the Miniature Golf Course.

Talk to the man and bring him in for further questioning. Once back at the interrogation room ask him everything AGAIN to get some new leads.Go to Brass and ask for a warrant for the golf course.Then lob over to the fire temple.....

Talk to Debra and ask everything, she will then let you take the flyer from the fridge. Then ask her anything you didn’t already before heading to the Fire Temple.

Look at the turpentine can on the right and then harass our new suspect, ask Liz everything as always and make sure you’ve covered all of the bases after Brass interrupts as well. When you are done quickly head back to Debra and ask her all of the new questions. Then it’s off to the Garage.

Look at the car doors on your right and use the Gloves to grab the Bank Receipt. Then go back to the side of the car and look in the drivers seat. Use the flashlight to find the Matchbook on the floor then examine it – use Ninhydrin to collect the fingerprint on it. Use the flashlight on the lighter on the other seat too and pick that up, using the fingerprint powder and tape to lift the print from it. Then look at the dashboard and pick up the Sat-nav with the gloves. Then exit the car and hop into the back seat, use the flashlight once again to grab the used match then use the Ninhydrin on it to get yet another print. back to the lab.

Use the Trace Analysis Computer: Fingerprint from Matchbook > LVPD Result A.

Partial Print from Used Match > Ed's Fingerprints Fingerprint from Lighter > FBI Result B

Then use the Special Search to analyze the Bank Receipt and GPS Device. Now you can head back to Brass’ office and ask him everything to get a warrant for Debra’s house. But first interrogate Ed again. Ask him everything and you will get a Singed Hair. Go to the lab and use the DNA Database: Flake from Jeans > Hair from Ed.

Now it’s back to the Tribal Leaders House. Talk to her first and then you can investigate. Grab the Matchbox by the window and then turn around and head through the open door. Look at the shoes in the closet to your right and then go and ask Debra about them. Then head back to the Fire Temple.

Talk to Liz & grab the turpentine can on the boxes to your right. Click on the stage, then again on the curtain at the back to go into the room behind. Examine the shoes on the left, and then look at the chest next to the bed. Click on the blue top to move it aside and allow you to grab the Condom Use the UV tool firstly and then pick them up with tweezers.

Revolve the condom and use the Swab on the inside AND outside of the condom for two different samples. Then head outside and talk to Liz again to get her DNA. You also get a call about some security footage so head back to the lab.

Use the Trace Analysis Computer to watch the footage and then use the Frame + button 8 times and then Enhance the image. While you are here you can compare the following too using the DNA Database: Swab from Inside of Condom > Singed Hair from Ed. Swab from Outside of Condom > Liz Sunderland's DNA.

Go back to the Fire Temple and grab the blue top you moved last time, examine it and use the Adhesive Mount to get some Singed Fibers from it. Then pop over to the Tribal Leaders house and question Debra to get her DNA. Do the same with Ed in the interrogation room and then head to Brass’ office to get a warrant to question Liz. Do so and then head back to the lab.

Use the Comparison Microscope on the Singed Fibers from Poncho to get a questioning warrant available for Debra. You have to go and ask Brass for the warrant of course then ask Debra all the questions you can. This make the search warrant for the Golf Course available so head to Brass and get it.

Enter the windmill when you arrive and push the mattress on the floor. Click on one of the golf balls to push it into the hole, then exit the windmill and go down the stairs on the right. Examine the pipe sticking out of the windmill and then go back upstairs and into the windmill. Click on the other golf ball to dislodge the roll of cash – head back downstairs and pick it up.look at the cash and there will be a hair stuck in the elastic band that you can grab with the tweezers.

Now head off to the lab and use the DNA Database: Hair from Roll of Cash > Victim's DNA. Now go to Brass and get an arrest warrant for Ed. Talk to him til he cracks.

Case 2 - "Double Down"
Look at the door to your right and examine the blood drops, use the LCV on them and then the Swab to get a sample. Then look at the Bull’s head statue nearby and use the tweezers to collect the bullet from the hole in the wall. Examine the bullet and use the adhesive mount on the green material stuck to it.

Go into the bedroom and use the camera to photograph the crime scene. Check out the blanket and use the UV tool to highlight some fibres which you can nab with the Adhesive Tape. Then examine the pool of blood and grab some with the Swab as always. There is a mobile phone on the floor at the left of the bed so pick it up with the gloves and examine it, using the Swab again to take a sample of the blood. Finally look at the chest of drawers to the far right and use the flashlight to find the photo, which you can pick up with the gloves.

You will be contacted at some point with the location of the hospital but make sure you finish doing the above before heading there. Once there just examine Connie to learn more about her wounds then head off to the lab.

Go to the Comparison Microscope: Fibres from Bedsheet > CSI Samples B. Next up is the Trace Analysis Computer: use Special Search to analyze the Photo of the Couple and the Phone.

Go to the Casino High Rollers' Room to talk to Shanefollow him & continue your questions. You will be interrupted by a phone call, after which you can finish questioning Shane to get his DNA. Go to the lab and use the DNA Database: Blood Drops from Apartment > Shane’s DNA.

Now go and ask Brass for a warrant on Shane, and ask him everything as normal. When you are finished you will get a call saying Connie is awake so go and see her. Ask everything and you will her DNA, a photo of her wounds and the chance to search the Luxury Apartment. Then examine her dress on the table by the bed and use the Adhesive Lifting Tape to get Fibres from it. Then examine the letter and pick it up with the gloves.

Go back to the crime scene to look for the gun, simply click on the left nightstand and you’ll realise it isn’t there. So back to the hospital to talk to Connie again and she will hand it over. Make sure to ask everything and then go and see Brass to get a warrant for Everett Brower. Now you can search the Luxury Suite.

Go there and quiz both of the people thoroughly. You will get Everett’s DNA. Then look at the bar near the piano and examine the knife, use the LCV on it and then the swab on the blood. Look at the piano stool and pick up the green cloth. Then head upstairs and into the bedroom to look at Nicole’s coat – use the Adhesive Tape to pick up some fibres from it. Then look at the case with the gun in it and use the gloves to pick it up. Ask Everett about the gun before you leave.

Go to the lab and head to the assembly table. Click on both gun’s to get a bullet from each and then use the microscope to compare them: Bullet from Wall > Everett’ Bullet from Wall > Bullet from Connie’s gun. Also use it to look at the fibres from Connies dress and the green material. Then compare: Bibres from Bed > Fibres from Nicole’s Coat.

Go to the Trace Analysis Computer: Analyze the photo of Connie’s wounds. Then go to the DNA Database: Blood from phone > Connie's DNA. Blood from bed > Connie's DNA. Now go to Brass and get a warrant for Nicole, ask her about everything. Then you will have to go to the hospital and speak to Connie to get the Baby DNA report, which you can compare with Everett’s in the lab for a match.

First go and speak to Connie at the hospital, then head off to see Everett and next talk to Shane in the Interrogation room, he will give you the ripped photo. Now talk to Brass again in order to talk to Nicole again.

Back at the Lab you will be given some Photo’s. Then go to the assembly table and piece together the ripped photo. Now you can get a warrant for Everett’s computer so head to Brass and ask for one. Then go to the Luxury Suite and look at the table, use the gloves to grab the Agreement and Printed Email. Then look at the medication before examining the laptop – use the USB to get a file from it. Take this back to the lab and use the Trace Analysis Computer to look at the encrypted file. You can now hassle Everett so get a warrant from Brass.

Talk to Everett and then Nicole then go to the hospital to talk to Connie next. You can now get the final clues from the Luxury Suite so go there and walk upstairs. Look at the table at the back of the room and pick up the USB Drive and Green Blouse. Examine the blouse and use the Adhesive Tape to get some fibres, then use Luminol on the stain and then the Swab to get a sample.

Back to the lab and use the Microscope: Material from Bullet > Fibers from Green Blouse. Then the Trace Analysis Computer to analyze the USB Memory Drive. Finally the Chemical Analyzer on the Luminol Reaction you got. Now you can wrap things up so get an arrest warrant for Nicole from Brass and then go to the interrogation room and BREAK HER SPIRIT. CASE CLOSED!

Case 3 - "Shock Rock"
To the crime scene Batman……..Time for more talking, so hit Todd up for all the info you can get. Then move to the stage and take a photo of the band, next up take a look at each of the bodies to get some info. Then pick up the Echo Pedal and examine it, use the Fingerprint Brush and then the Adhesive Tape to get the fingerprint. Then turn the pedal over and use the tweezers to grab the loose screw. Pick up the Microphone that’s laid on the floor and examine it use the Fingerprint Brush & Powder again and then the Adhesive Lifting Tape to get the Fingerprint.

Look to you left and go into the back stage area between the two speakers. Look at the floor and use the Flashlight to find the tequila bottle and pick it up and examine it. Use the Ninhydrin to get the fingerprint from the label, and then the Fingerprint Brush and Powder and Adhesive Tape to get the fingerprints on the bottle neck and cap. Look at the floor again with the flashlight to find the straw and pick it up.look at it and use LCV to highlight the blood and take a Swab sample. Then click on the socket at the back of the room and pick it up with the gloves. You can now talk to Todd again to get some Video footage.

Go to the Luxury Suite and quiz Kathy, then lob back to the Morgue and speak to the Doc to get him to recover the bodies. Look at Andrea’s arm and then ask the Doc to get her fingerprints. Then ask to see Ray Brown. Look at his feet and talk to the Doc again before asking to see Marty Party. Ask all questions about him and then look at the final victim, Steve, and examine the rings on his chest. Speak to the Doc one more time.

To the lab. Go the Assembly Table and look at the Echo Pedal, click on it to remove the cover and then click on the red switch to pick it up. Examine the Polarity Switch and use the Swab to get a sample of the residue. Now go to the Trace Analysis Computer: Fingerprint from Bottle Label > Civil Result C. Fingerprint from Bottle Neck > Civil Result E. Fingerprint from Bottle Cap > Civil Result D Fingerprint on Microphone > Andrea's Fingerprints

Now analyze the Video Footage of the Band. Play it through once and then click Frame + seven times, then enhance that image. Finally go to the Chemical Analyzer and analyze the Residue from the Polarity Switch.

Head off to the Luxury Suite and talk to Kathy before you scope out the table near the exit and pick up the Threatening Note there. Next go and look at the laptop near the stairs and use the USB Stick to get the email from it. Then you can go upstairs and enter the bedroom. Click on the waste basket to move it and then pick up the photos that are inside. Look over to your right and use the gloves to get the black clothing, which you should examine and use the Adhesive Mount on in order to collect some Residue. Go back downstairs and talk to Kathy.

Now wander to the High Rollers' Room and talk to Jill, she will give you a copy of her autograph. Now go to the lab and use the Microscope to match this autograph > threatening note. You can also use the Trace Analysis Computer to analyze the Deleted Email and the Chemical Analyzer to look at the Residue from the black shirt.

Now go and get a warrant from Brass to question Todd and then grill him. Now head back to the High Rollers Room and talk to Jill, she will put down a cup so examine it and use the Swab on the lipstick to get her DNA. Then grill her again. Then go to the lab and use the DNA Database: Blood from Straw > Jill's DNA. Now you can question Jill officially so get a warrant from Brass to let you quiz her further. When talking to her you will be given Residue from her dress. At which point you should go back to the lab and run it through the Chemical Analyser, then return to the interrogation room and ask her everything.

Now you can go to the Recording Studio and harass Eddie, ask him everything you can. Turn to the right and examine the letter on the side, then ask Eddie about it and he will give you a CD. Examine it and use the Fingerprint Powder and then the Adhesive Tape to get his fingerprint. You can now go back to the lab and use the Trace Analysis Computer: Print from Echo Pedal > Eddie's Fingerprint. Also, play the CD while you are here.

Go back to Brass' office for a warrant to search the studio and then head down there for more clues. At the studio, turn right and pick up the tape and then go into the room to the right of Eddie. Look at the drawer on your right and pick up the letter and then use the USB Stick on the laptop to get another file. Now go into the Recording Room and look in the right corner, there is a metal prong near to the bottle so use the tweezers to pocket it. Then go and ask Eddie about it.

At the lab use the Microscope to compare: Power Chord > Prong. Then use the Trace Analysis Computer to analyze the file from the laptop and play the tape you found.

You can now interrogate Eddie so ask Brass if you can do so and go through the usual motions of asking everything, which will allow you to search the jet. Go there now and grab the fire extinguisher from the table in front of you. Go forward to the next area and look to your left, open the first cupboard and pick up the video camera then examine it to get the video tape from it. Then look to the right and use the Adhesive Mount on the white substance on the bench to take a sample. Then look on the floor near the nightstand to see a small screw that you can pick up with the tweezers.

Time to get back to the lab. Go to the microscope first: Screw from Echo Pedal > Screw from Jet. Then move over to the Trace Analysis Computer to play the tape from the Camera. Once you’ve watched it press Frame forward seven times then enhance the image. Finally go to the Chemical Analyzer and analyze the Fire Extinguisher and the Residue.

Go back and interrogate Todd as much as you can and then go back to the jet once you’re done with him. Look at the TV to the right and open the drawer underneath, use the gloves to get the tape that’s in there. Then go to the lab and play the tape before comparing it to the CD Eddie gave you earlier. You can now get a warrant from Brass so go to it. Then make her confess.

Case 4 - "In Your Eyes"
Talk to Mrs Bandereet first off and she will give you some clothes. Examine them and Swab the blood that you find there. Then look to the left and examine the answering machine. Quiz Amita again and then go and look at the stairs. Take a photo of the footprint you can see there and then head upstairs.

There is a fingerprint on the door to your left so use the Adhesive Tape to grab that and then pick up the poker that is laid on the floor. Examine it and use the Fingerprint Brush and Adhesive Tape on the handle to get a print and then use LCV on the blood before taking a sample with the Swab. Now head into the bedroom at the end of the corridor.

Look at the Dr. to take a picture, then take a sample of his blood using the swab. Then take pictures of the blood splatter on the wall and ceiling.Look at the bedside table on the left of the corpse and pick up the broken teacup using the gloves, then take a Swab of the liquid. Now head back downstairs and talk to Amita again to get her to hand over her slippers, examine than and take a sample of the residue from the bottom using the Adhesive Mount.

Once more unto the morgue dear friends. Ask the doc to recover the body and then grill him about it before heading over to the lab. First put the teacup back together on the Assembly Table. Then use the Trace Analysis Computer: Fingerprint from Fire Poker > Civil Result A and the Photo of Bloody Footprint > Amita's Slippers. Then it’s off to the DNA Database to match: Blood from Fire Poker > Dr. Bandereet's DNA and Blood from Amita's Clothes > Dr. Bandereet's DNA. The last thing is the use the Chemical Analysis machine on the liquid from the teacup and the residue from the slipper.

Go and harass Brass and then return to the house and talk to Amita about everything. You will now have access to the Driveway so get over there. Look to your left and examine the tire tracks and use the Cast to get a copy of them, then scroll to the blood drops on the drive and use the LCV on it before taking a Swab of the blood. Now look at the big container on the right and pick up the broken shards on the floor next to it.

At the lab use the Trace Analysis Computer: Tire tread from driveway > CSI Result A. Then use the DNA machine on: Blood from driveway > Dr. Bandereet's DNA. Then go back to the driveway where a mysterious rubbish bin will have emerged. So let’s look inside and use the gloves to get the tape. Go back to the lab to listen to it and then back to the house again to quiz Amita about its contents. She will then give you Adya’s house as a location so go on over.

Talk to Adya first of all and ask all you can. After which you will get a call but don’t leave just yet, turn and look at the door, you should see a footprint so take a picture of it. Then you can go to the garage.

Look at the broken light on the back of the car and pick up the broken piece. You can then go to the lab and piece together the entire light on the Assembly Table. Also compare the Photo of the muddy footprint > Amita's Slipper’s. Now you can go to Brass and get two search warrant’s – for Adya’s house and the car.

Let’s deal with the car first. Look at the front seat and pick up the memo you find there, then back up and enter the back seat to use the USB Stick on the laptop you find there to get an Encrypted File. Finally go around to the back of the car and examine the toolbox.

Now go back to Adya’s and talk to her to get a fingerprint. Look at the table to your right and get the Fabric from under the chair, examine it and use the Adhesive Mount to get some of the material from it. Then look at the sink and use Luminol on the blood stains before taking the obligatory Swab. Finally examine the laptop and use the USB Stick to get another file.

Back to the lab now and use the Trace Analysis Computer: Bloody Fingerprint > Adya's Fingerprint. Then use the Special Search to analyse the two encrypted files before using the DNA machine: Blood from the sink > Dr. Bandereet's Blood. Finally do a Chemical Analysis on the residue from the fabric.

Go to Brass and grill him about everything you can, before asking to interrogate Adya. Once you are done with her ask Brass if you can speak to the Business partner. Grill the guy and then check out the trunk of the car again to pick up the vacuum cleaner. Then go to the lab and use the Assembly Table to move the rubbish from the vacuum until you get the remaining bit of the teacup – go and slot that piece into the gap from earlier.

Now head to the Pool House. As some as you arrive you should see some scratch marks on the window frame to the left of your partners head, so use some Mikrosil to get an impression. Then look at the main door and use LCV on the blood on the handle before taking a sample with the Swab. Now go to the left and examine the bucket once, then rotate the camera until you can see the residue on the step and use the Adhesive Mount to get a sample.

Go to the lab and use Chemical Analysis on the residue from the Pool House. Then use the DNA machine: Blood from the Pool House door > Dr. Bandereet's DNA.

Speak: Amita at her house, the business partner in interrogation and the Doc in the Morgue. Then go and get a warrant to examine the Pool House officially from Brass.

Go back to the Pool House and go inside, look to your left and get the screwdriver from the counter. Then go into the bathroom and click on the drain at the bottom of the shower to move it so you can pull out the robe. Examine it and use the Swab on the blood stain.

Off to the lab once more and use the Microscope: Torn Fabric > Silk Robe. Scratch impression from Pool House > Screwdriver. Then use the DNA machine: Blood from Robe > Dr. Bandereet's DNA. Now you can go to Brass and get a warrant to arrest Amita, but her daughter will confess as well. Typical. Speak to both of them and then go back to the main house and into the bedroom, a cut scene will show that you are after a left handed killer.

Go to the Pool House once more and look at the table on your right, pick up the crossword you find there and take it to the lab for analysis. This will prove Amita is the killer so get her back into the interrogation room and she will confess.

Case 5 - "The Peacemaker"
Crime scene and step on it. Talk to Keith first off and you will get his fingerprints and DNA. Then go and look at the victim, take a photo to start with then zoom in and take another. Next look at his hand close up and grab the fibre from under his fingernails with the Tweezers. Pick up his gun and use a Swab on his blood. There is another gun off to his right so grab that too. Then look at the bullet hole above his head and grab the bullet with the Tweezers, do the same with the bullet hole the right of this one by the postcards.

Back up and look at the counter. Pick up the two 9mm guns lying there examine each of them and get a print from each using the Fingerprint Brush and Adhesive Tape. There is a bullet hole on the ground in front of the cash register and one in the register itself – so use Tweezers on both of these. Also examine the shattered glass counter.

Back up and look to your right. Examine the T-shirt stand and move around it until you see a stain on the floor, use the LCV and then the Swab on this to get a sample. There is also another bullet hole in the wall here so grab the bullet just like with the others. Back up and look at the table on the left of the window, there is yet another bullet hole in the window frame here so pick up another bullet for your collection.

Go to the Mobile Lab and use the Trace Analysis Computer: Keith's Fingerprints >

Fingerprint from First 9mm Keith's Fingerprints > Fingerprint from Second 9mm Then use the DNA Database: Keith's DNA > Blood from the floor.

Go to the ACTUAL lab and use the Assembly Table. Fire each of the gun’s once to get a sample and match them using the Microscope as follows (just rotate them until the markings line up and then confirm): Bullet found in Floor > Bullet from First 9mm, Bullet found in Cash Register > Bullet from First 9mm, Bullet from Victim's Shoulder > Bullet from First 9mm, Bullet found in Wall > Bullet from Second 9mm, Bullet found Near Postcards > Bullet from Second 9mm, Bullet from Victim's Chest > Bullet from Second 9mm, Bullet found Behind Sales Rack > Bullet Collected from Peacemaker pistol, Bullet found in Window Sill > Bullet Collected from Peacemaker pistol. Finally compare the Pink Fibres > CSI Sample B.

Now you can go to the morgue and ask the Doc to recover the body. Go through the questions to get some fingerprints and some bullets. When he is done just examine the body and look at the nipple ring.

Next up go back to the Museum and click on all of the bullet holes to set up lasers. Refer back to where you found them if you’ve forgotten. Then pick up the glass from the cabinet using the latex gloves. You can now go and question Brass and get a warrant for Keith. Interrogate him and then head to the lab to use the Assembly Table to piece the glass shards together.

Go to the Casino and talk to Jill about everything and then go to the Recording Studio and do the same with Eddie. It’s the remaining Triplet’s turn to answer some questions so go to their place next and ask everything in order to get both sets of fingerprints from them. Them look at the pool table and pick up the bra and photo. Then look at the laptop case and use the Fingerprint Brush and Adhesive Tape to get a print from it. Talk to both of the guys again before you leave for the lab.

Use the Microscope: Pink Fibers > Pink Bra. Then the Trace Analysis Computer: Fingerprints from Laptop Case > Ed's Fingerprints. Now head to Brass’ office and ask everything before getting a warrant for Anthony and Billy. Quiz them and then do the same with Keith. You can then head back to their place and use the USB Stick on the laptop to get a file, go and an analyse this at the lab and then ask Brass if you can question Eddie and Kathy.

Time for some chat so go to it, interrogate Eddie,anthony,billy and Kathy then head back to the museum. Click on the table on the right and turn so you can see the print on it, use the Magnetic Brush and Adhesive tape to get a copy. Then look at the overturned table on the left and examine the scratch on it, using the Mikrosil to get an impression. Then look at the ground near it and pick up the piece of metal you find there with the Tweezers.

Back at the lab use the Microscope: Metal Fragment > Impression of Scratch Marks.
Then go to the Trace Analysis Computer: Fingerprint from Sales Rack > Billy's Fingerprints. Now you can search their place so go to Brass’ office and get a warrant before you head over there.

At the Apartment enter the bedroom and look at the middle gun case then pick up the gun inside. Look in the closet on the left and examine the jeans. Examine them and pick up the mobile phone from the pocket, have a closer look at that and use the Fingerprint Brush and Adhesive Tape to get the print from it.

Time for your last trip to the lab.Use the Microscope: Metal Fragment > Jeans with Broken Zip. Then use the Trace Analysis Computer: Fingerprints from Cell Phone > Anthony's Fingerprints (bottom left square). Then analyze the mobile phone to get a photo. Job’s a good ‘un. Go to Brass and get an arrest warrant for Anthony and Billy then take them down.

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CSI: Hard Evidence Achievements (5)

There are 5 achievements with a total of 1000 points available
Case 1 - "Burning for You"
Solve "Burning for You" with any ranking
Case 2 - "Double Down"
Solve "Double Down" with any ranking
Case 3 - "Shock Rock"
Solve "Shock Rock" with any ranking
Case 4 - "In Your Eyes"
Solve "In Your Eyes" with any ranking
Case 5 - "The Peacemaker"
Solve "The Peacemaker" with any ranking
View All Achievements for CSI: Hard Evidence (5)

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Developer: Treyarch
Genre: First Person Shooter/Modern

Halo 3

Release: Sep 25, 2007
Developer: Bungie
Genre: First Person Shooter/Sci-Fi

Battlefield 3

Release: Oct 25, 2011 (US)
Developer: DICE Stockholm
Genre: First Person Shooter/Modern

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Release: Nov 10, 2009 (US)
Developer: Infinity Ward
Genre: First Person Shooter/Modern

Grand Theft Auto IV

Release: Apr 29, 2008
Developer: Rockstar North
Genre: Action/Adventure

Grand Theft Auto V

Release: Sep 17, 2013
Developer: Rockstar Games
Genre: Action/Adventure

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Release: Nov 8, 2011
Developer: Infinity Ward
Genre: First Person Shooter/Modern

Call of Duty: World at War

Release: Nov 11, 2008
Developer: Treyarch
Genre: First Person Shooter/Action

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Release: Nov 05, 2007
Developer: Infinity Ward
Genre: First Person Shooter/Action

Halo 4

Release: Nov 6, 2012 (US)
Developer: 343 Industries
Genre: First Person Shooter/Sci-Fi

CSI: Hard Evidence

Telltale Games


- Sep 25, 2007
- Oct 11, 2007
Played: 156  |  Wishlists: 3
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